The Stokvel Weekend Away is a gathering of various local stokvels to gain insights, practical tips and inspiration on how to transform, professionalize and develop the local Rotating Savings and Credit Associations. The Congress will take place on the 4th and 5th of October 2024 in SUN CITY.

The forum is platform for local stokvels to look into new financial tools, technologies and business opportunities to take their respective Stokvel to the next level.

Participants will be able to interact with relevant institutions that are mandate to promote the well-being of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations and create new lucrative opportunities.  While connecting with experts and advisors to help their stokvels to grow; participants will also be exposed to new technology.

The purpose of the Conference

The main objective of the Conference is to present an array of tools, functions, services and programs created to develop, assure good functioning, professionalism, safety, stability and sustainability of stokvels.

The Stokvel Weekend Getaway will provide financial education as well as opportunities and innovative based workshops to participants in order to drive transformation of the financial sector and accelerate Stokvels’ participation into the mainstream economy.

With an estimated worth around R44-billion, Stokvels are becoming a powerful investment vehicle. The exhibition space will feature an arrays of institutions who will mainly be there to empower stokvels with information that will assist towards industrialization, professionalism, new trade opportunities as well as security and new technology. Exhibitors will include financial institutions, regulators, business development bodies, Investment and lifestyle institutions, trade and Commercial bodies, property and agriculture sector, technology and information technology companies as well as education institutions


Terry 083 292 7543 |

Denis 074 123 3647 |